Locating right-of-ways and easements that affect your property is when data is gathered and a definable property boundary is created. Property Easements and Right-of-Ways are located and added to the property boundary drawing. The information shows many things such as ingress and egress access of roads, utilities, waterlines, where improvements would be best located etc.

Professional Land Surveying Service
- Establish boundary locations of Right of Ways according to legal descriptions
- Create plat of information gathered
- Set pins on corners of Right of Way
Benefits of an Right-of-Way Survey:
- Peace of mind knowing where right-of-way is located
- Know where you cannot build improvements
- Know where you can place utilities such as electric, gas etc.

Professional Land Survey Service
- Locate definable boundary for ingress and egress, utilities, roads, pipelines, waterlines, sewer lines, electric lines in relation to your property.
- Create plat showing information gathered
Benefits of an Easement Survey:
- Know area where you cannot build improvements
- Know area where you can place above mentioned utilities
- Allows you to have access to maintain utilities when easement is on another owners property
- Allows you to access your property