A boundary survey is performed to re-establish the boundary of a property identified by a deed of record, including any easements or encroachments.
A boundary survey is performed to re-establish the boundary of a property identified by a deed of record, including any easements or encroachments.
An improvement survey is a boundary survey locating the extents of the property as well as the of location of all improvements, such as buildings and fences.
This is a highly detailed boundary survey and improvement survey, often required for the sale, transfer or refinancing of commercial properties.
Boundary line agreement surveys apply when neighbors permanently agree on a new legal common boundary, because of possible gaps, overlaps or lack of evidence of surveys.
A boundary adjustment land survey is a land survey to amend the common boundary line between 2 or more separate titles/owners.
A cadastral survey plan is basically a property boundary survey carried out for legal purposes so as to accurately establish land ownership.
Licensed in California, Colorado, Nevada & Idaho