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A boundary survey is a land survey that is performed to re-establish the boundary of a property identified by a deed of record.  It will also indicate the extent of any easements or encroachments and may show the limitations imposed on the property by state or local regulations.

A boundary survey is strongly recommended BEFORE buying, subdividing, improving or building on land so land disputes can be avoided.

Professional Land
Surveying Service

  • Locate property corners according to legal description
  • Locate easements and right of ways (Title Commitment Needed)
  • Locate surrounding owners property corners according to legal description
  • Analyze information gathered and upload into AutoCAD
  • Create survey plat with information gathered and analyzed.
  • Set property corners in correct position on your property
  • Create mylar, record at government agency
  • Supply customer with a 24×36 plat of boundary survey

Property Owner Benefit

  • Peace of mind knowing where your property boundary is
  • Know where new fences can be placed
  • Know the total acres/sq. ft. that are owned.
  • Increases the re-sale value
  • Clarifies any boundary issues with neighbor
  • Know where to build house or improvements